Reddit wife weight

Reddit wife weight. He's happy with my long long legs and I'm happy with every inch of him from foot to head. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. She now weighs 300 lbs. If your wife doesn't want to get fit or lose weight, you can't force her. We need a height, weight, age, and bra size. Once she sees that you're getting results, it may motivate her. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. Also, ask if she would like to return to work. Hopefully you'll feel attracted to your wife once you've been able to explore her new body every day for 30 days. My wife and I have been together for almost 16 years now (I'm 32, she's 30). get to gain 2 pounds per year. My wife and I lost our two week old son suddenly 5+ years ago and I still tear up talking to anyone about him if it’s for more than 30 seconds or so. While pregnant, she started to eat A LOT, not junk food, but just a big volume. edit:since people dont read ; she made fun of my father for having PTSP from when he got shot in Homeland war ,made fun of my grandma for going to therapist,but i was in love with her so i stayed,she hasnt I'm not a man but I'm dealing with this situation right now with my husband. I'm 6'4 and he's 5'10. She has been heavier/plus-size/fat – whatever descriptor you prefer – for our entire relationship. Tell her she needs to change if not for herself, at least for you /your kid. Aug 8, 2014 ยท Right now I’m in good shape (at a good healthy weight). I despise my wife for ruining what I thought was going to TLDR: wife gained weight and complains about it constantly. General advice for weight lose is to aim for 1-2 pounds per week, or a 500-1000 calorie per day deficit. She's approximately 5' 9" and weighed 140 lbs when we were married 15 years ago. Tell her how much you really care for her and how you would never leave her because of her weight. My wife and I work out together, and sometimes she hates how much more naturally strong I am. When you’re loving her good, she will be under a good influence to start the work of losing weight when she’s ready to. You can safely lose up to 2lbs per week and you must be eating at least 1200 calories a day for your body to function properly. 300kg (660 lbs) is twice as much weight as most people need to be considered ‘morbidly obese’. Edit: A word. But, by this point in history (2015) the long-term health effects of weight gain are even more of a consequence of weight gain. My wife has always been pretty petite. I fear that my husband is no longer attracted to me but he still shows love for me and still will have sex with me, just not that often. Depending on your wife’s genetics she will likely lose some weight as a result of implementing these healthy habits, but if she’s got big genes and likes to eat a lot she’ll likely always be a bit heavier. When we met we were both a healthy weight. Thats all,thas all i wanted to say. iceman84087. Faces may be censored, but identification is needed. Especially if you present it to her as a fund for new clothes that fit well! 1. I lift weights, etc. My range (overweight) is only supposed to gain 15-25lbs. My wife, unfortunately, has gained a lot of weight and is not 380, but a good weight for her height and frame would be around 150-160, and The other reason that trying to lose weight in pregnancy is not the best idea is that you actually require a bit more calories during pregnancy (after the 1st trimester) than before pregnancy. She should be around 105 to 110, but was 120ish when we met. She use to always be in the gym, 4 days a week. r/relationships may also be of use to you. Personality the same. It could be both lifestyle and the actual weight. alles_en_niets. Nope. Naturally there's a weight difference and we're both still height/weight proportional. Throughout our relationship, My wife's weight has always been something of an issue -- she's gained maybe ~40-50 pounds since we started dating, and I've occasionally mentioned this and that I'd like us to improve on our health together. She's lost over 20lbs in that time span. Ways to Get Approved: For Individual Creators or Couples: Send a MODMAIL with an Imgur link to your verification photo. Especially after I lost 30 lbs in a year of hard work with diet and exercise. I’m honestly surprised that people can sustain that weight (300kg) for a prolonged period of time. Exercise, exercise, and eat nutritious foods. If you can cut down on sugar and portion sizes then you probably won't need to do anything drastic to start the weight loss. o. The good news is that 12 months later there's no sign of the tumor coming back yet. The photo must show you holding a crumpled paper with the day's date, sub name, and your username in blue or black ink. My [F/35] wife [F/27] has always been big and I've always found that attractive, but after 60-70lbs its too much. 4. peelingpotato • 8 yr. I lose 1-1. Second, your wife has already admitted the real problem here–she's scared that she'll lose you. Because this is AITA and fat people are basically My wife asks me the same question and gets the same response and at worst she will feel a bit down about it but not take it out on me. How I FINALLY lost weight with PCOS. Don’t be afraid to let loose ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ˆ (pun intended)! Please introduce yourself โ˜บ๏ธ Please only post once every 8 hours, up to twice max per day! So we don’t spam up the group! ๐Ÿ™‚ Men that would like to share/post check out r Many years ago the topic of someone being overweight was about looks and vanity. YES. Maybe set a good example by going to therapy, on your own. For my stats I’m 46f 5’9 200lb. She's maybe good to be up and about for half an hour before she can't continue. Strangers make their jokes and we laugh back. reassure her that you aren't losing weight just so you'll have a chance with other women. There's honestly nothing to deal with. r/feederism: Gainers and feedees enjoy the fantasy or reality of gaining weight themselves. strangertimes22. The best you can do is talk to her, sincerely. My wife and I are usually super fit people and even made a promise to each other to stay on top of our heath. I haven't been able to lose any weight: not even water weight. If she feels like you're getting the attention of other women and climbing out of her league, she'll have to make some changes. ADMIN MOD. Without the awkwardness. But this time around, it hasn't worked. You should sit down with her and discuss her drinking and tell her how worried you are about it and ask her to get help. Recently, however, she’s decided to start shedding a fairly large amount of weight. Just be supportive. Drinking wine/beer every night isn’t really a healthy habit and that is the only thing you should be bringing up as it pertains to her health and well being. Often the worst offenders are former overweights bc they a) never want to regain the weight and are afraid, and b) know weight is 99% under the individual's control no BS so get shitlordy. Need advice on how to help. Focus on preparing healthy meals. Upon realizing that, I contacted my lawyer, brought forth my reason for divorce, and left. 1. . My wife did the opposite. It ruined the relationship. Helpful_Fellow. Let her catch you staring at her, smiling, dreamily, and then smile and look away with the smile still on your face. Everyone needs to deal with their issues, including you, because your lack of attraction to her gaining weight is just as meaningful as her weight gain. Atman59. 32/m with 28/f wife that won't pull her weight. 1lb loss per week: 1500 calories daily. There are different weight gain recommendations based on pre-pregnancy BMI. 5. Yeah she’s been pregnant before, one of the crotch goblins is almost a t**nager…. It takes about 3500 of calorie deficit to lose a pound. ) She's to the point where she can't manage the be out and about throughout the day for long. Approaching it as "you're too fat, you need to lose weight, maybe that's why we can't have kids" will probably make things worse because she's hearing all of the worst things she thinks about herself coming from the person she loves the most. Dating for 5 years, married for 2 months and 2 days. My issues are that in the past 4 years I have changes jobs, lost jobs and started new jobs about 4 times. I worked out for 6 days a week last year for 6 months and with a trainer and although I gained muscle, the scale didn’t budge at all. Now, I, 26m, am a bigger guy. In the beginning, we were both cheering each other on, every weigh-in day Couple things. I work during the day and go to school two nights a week, she stays home with the kids (one is 3 years, the other 6 months old). Worry about your own '30 lbs or so' to lose and not her weight. If it doesn't, then I'd mention how her diet and lack of activity can affect her health (as another commenter mentioned) and let her know that you want her around for a while and to be healthy during all of your years together. Many_Palpitation7264. Here’s my story- I was diagnosed at 16 and fell into a super depression and gained a lot of weight. But last year my wife gained some 20-30 pounds and now suddenly Yea, I lost a lot of weight when I found out my ex husband cheated. Before she gained any weight, I offered sex; she declined. You absolutely do not say you’re getting fat. Salt consumption per person is 5 grams per day, so for a month that's 150 grams. Photoshopped or rule-ignoring images will be ignored. I (M 6'1" 25y) started taking my weight loss seriously 4. I was 120 (10 pounds underweight) when we married. I started my weight loss journey in First, let's get real. •• Edited. Whatever. She was, by no means, overweight when we met. Spouse is having a hard time with my Weight-loss. The FAQ here has techniques and r/xxfitness may be able to put things into perspective from a woman's point of view. This caused a lot of emotional damage to my wife, making it so that she doesn’t even want to look at out wedding photos anymore. By far most people (6’4” or less) are already well in the morbid obesity range at 150kg/330lbs. Diabetes is top of the list. I’ve been trying lots of different things to try to lose weight (I only want to drop 50 pounds) and it’s really disheartening when you don’t see results. " Hi I’m that wife that has gained weight over the years. My wife went the opposite way and just kept gaining and gaining weight. Maybe she'll be even less able to lose weight (because some people simply don't work well under pressure), or maybe she'll leave you for being a douche. Weight gain to this extent in a healthy individual is not normal. It doesn't always cause divorce, but it can cause a lot of stress in the relationship. tiredbabydoc. -2. I can relate to her because my boyfriend began losing weight a lot earlier than I did and it worried me. She doesn’t want to eat healthy. @EasyCicada: If you want a meek, self-deprecating, depressed wife that resents you in secret, try this shitty kind of "advice". do this repeatedly, and be genuine about it. Reply reply. And the pain, if you're a lady. Over the last 10-ish months (but especially the last 6), she started intentionally and dramatically losing weight. fdiaz78. Rant/Venting. Over the last year, my wife, 22f, has gained a lot of weight. I have called a local ENT for an appointment and plan on speaking to my wife after work about solutions. Aita for telling my wife to loose weight. I can’t hold it together longer than that typically. I lost about 25 lbs in 6 weeks. So you may be surprised once you hop the fence๐Ÿ˜˜ Edit: Short-term attraction IS physical, so holding that against someone is irrational. To my surprise, as she's lost more weight, I've found myself even more physically attracted to her. And for her to eat even more than she does now she will She keeps cycling through moments of determination to lose the weight and dieting or working out for a week, and periods where she ignores the weight and just wants sweets and take out all the time. If someone says they are no longer attracted to their partner because of weight gain they were never in love with you. Another way to reacquaint yourself with your wife's body is to try a 30 day sex challenge. My wife started this journey with me and she is down about 10 lbs (275 to 265). You can focus on planning dates that make her feel special, you can go on a walk yourself and invite her, go to the gym yourself and invite her and don’t have any expectations. My wife has been an extremely serious runner since high school. Feels weird to write this down and I feel guilty about it. The other night she was complaining her new jeans no longer fits and i pointed out that she still has her baby weight. 5 pounds a MONTH thanks to being short, old, and Dude the blame is 100% on the wife. As for the weight loss, it's tough, but maybe look into dieting together, or going for walks or other physical activities. After highschool I gained a few pounds (became chubby, not fat) and while she was in highschool she was prescribed prozac and gained a fair amount of weight (probably 60lbs in a few years). She use to be my wife but now I love her more because she recently became the mother of my child! It hurts to see that she doubts herself by asking me randomly “ does my weight bother you?”. My wife and I have been married for 5 years and have a 22 month old daughter. Wife has gained some weight and I cant get enough of her. You see this dynamic time and time again and usually because when the non obese or less obese partner sees their partner change for the better their insecurities explode. She has showed no attempt to lose the weight and no longer goes to the gym. Her weight has fluctuated some over the years since, as has mine. nRGon12. Award. That next month we spent christmas at their house and had a She tried getting weight loss surgery through insurance for years and finally got it done a few years back. My wife has gained 100lbs since we met. But, given the choice between a small frail girl, and a big brawny tough girl who can outlift me, I'd probably take the former. Watch my 600 pound life. But maybe it simply won't work. I hate that my wife won't lose weight. I can’t get enough”. •. When we first started dating she was 150-160 and it only took her 2 years to gain 100+ pounds she’s around 260-270 now. ago. You note that she lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks which is pretty close when you account for the estimation involved. After I drove home, I handed her the papers and said "I'm sorry. It wasn’t because of PCOS- it was because of PCOS ‘influencers’. Reply. Hiking to a spot with a view for a picnic lunch. However, the for the first time I read its about someone negotiating their own desire. 9800/3500= 2. What my ex heard, or at least tried to claim I was saying 'inbetween the lines', was that she was actually this monstrous fat ass who needed to lose weight like immediately because of how ugly I thought she was. She is now 180. Ex-/Married Users Only. Wife (28F) is upset that I (30M) find her weight gain attractive. Ever since my wife had our daughter (6 months ago) she has been really lazy and has gain quite some weight which I do not find attractive, I find that having sex with her is like a chore. A 5'3 145lb woman with a 40DD isn't overweight. I like a little plumpness so I am not wanting her to be 110. run your hands over her back and sides and say “I just can’t stop touching you. You really need those calories because you are making a whole other human in addition to sustaining your own body. My wife has gotten so fat and has gained like a bajillion pounds since we got married. If she has done it once she will do it again and so on. She ran cross country and track in college, and until recently, would regularly run 80 or more miles a week. At the beginning of our relationship we bonded over fitness, went to the gym together several times a week, and she was in great shape. My wife is very sweet, and very affectionate and I love her very deeply but Reddit - I've been married for 15 years and love my wife very much. 6. If she has no medical issues and is capable of walking/swimming, it's pure laziness and eating too many calories. Multiple things are contributing to my resentment. Of course, I'm worried about her health. Also, lead by example. Or she will say randomly “ I am so fat” obviously being her husband this hurts me to think her gaining Tea, hair bows, gift card to target, energy bars or protein bars, (or protein powder) socks, head bands, beauty products, a massage certificate, etc Good luck! 2. Fast forward til after my pregnancy and I was 190 because I comfort ate while pregnant (my h This, of course, has lead her to losing weight. Hi Rellit, 28m/24f here. AnnoyedHusband. It is definitely possible for her to lose the weight and in 6-12 months time, she will be happy she started now. I’m losing attraction to my wife after her recent weight gain. My wife & I have been married for 4 years, together for 6. This is not your issue OP, it’s your partner and they need to get on board or it will derail you. 50 pounds is a lot, and you're not an asshole for being less attracted to someone after that amount of weight gain in 6 months—such a short period of time. Try different positions like doggy, or her on top. 5 months ago, and in that time I have lost approximately 25lbs ( 285 lbs to 260 lbs). My wife weight. I hope you and your wife get the help you need. Now she weighs closer to 275 lbs. We tried doing keto last month. Simply tell her that she looks aaamazing without mentioning the weight. Big isn't my type. Bike riding, trampoline dodgeball league. They were together about 6 years, and after a year of losing like 200lbs, she left him. Well today she has agreed to gain weight intentionally, after months of her thinking about it she has agreed. On top of worrying about her health and seeing all the negative effects it has on her health (like back pain), I'm just finding myself more and more reluctant to have sex with her. At best, she was curvy in just the right way. Hers has mostly ticked upwards on the whole. They liked you for your looks and that’s it and you married a prick/cunt leave them and love yourself I love posts like this! True love isn’t about body image . Have her put her stats into a bmi calc on her own to get a shock. My wife has gained a good amount of weight a few times in our marriage and was down to a good weight but has recently become the largest she’s ever been. Asshole. Thanks, testosterone. Over the year my wife has gained 30lbs. We have 3 kids. There are so many diseases associated with being overweight. She has gained a great deal of weight over the years and seems to have no interest in trying to lose the weight. I’ve never been more excited to do anything in my life. After two years, even when I tried to help, she gained up to a 180 lbs. Not sure I even need advice anyway, as I know what I need to do. Yeah. 3. It’s because that was her goal weight that she hanged on our fridge along with her picture wearing a bikini on our first camping trip. Before our twins she was probably 120-125 lbs. ๏ธ Please read! For women who have lost weight, either natural or weight loss surgery to post nsfw of their bodies and show off the loose skin and progress. Pretty accusatory tbh. I got the opposite reaction, probably because I’m a woman. Back in Nov of 2021 my MIL pulled my wife aside and told her she is worried about her weight gain and that she looked fat in her wedding dress. Second the fact that you think you can negotiate is directly against negotiating desire. 1-2 a night QUICKLY turns into full bore alcoholism and needs to be addressed before she gets there. I'd done it before (pre-pregnancy) and lost a solid 20 pounds. My rule for comfort eating is keto food only, heavy on the protein. Wife upset about weight gain. My wife is becoming fat and I love it. She complains about the weight gain constantly. I didn’t need to lose weight went from a healthy and fit 5’3 120 to 95 lbs. My ex and I didn’t know how to deal with our emotional issues. She needs to lose like 2 kgs for a year at least. " UPDATE: Thank you everyone for your advice/suggestions. TL:DR, dad lost a lot of weight, mom didn't trust him, worked through their problems and she lost weight too. I’ve been that wife. buy her a pair of gloves to lift with. " She replied, "I'll lose the weight. Worry about these things, not the BMI. Tell her you’re a lucky man. We’ve gone from having sex 1-3 times a day to maybe once or twice a month. TL;DR: I've gained weight from a happy relationship and have started snoring. Sedentary people over like 60 y. Well after cheating for a few months. If your wife stopped drinking, a lot of weight will drop off. Neither of you will have to think about initiating sex for 30 days because sex will be part of your daily routine. SHE made the promise to never cheat, SHE broke it. She’s 5’3, and went from 115lbs to 215+, most of her weight gain happening in the last two years since her father and sister both passed away and she has Activity based dates are a much better way to go. We have been together since I was 18 and she was 20, I turned 34 on January 28th. throwRA_787. I watched what I ate, hit the gym, lost 50 pounds and am in the best shape of my life. She lost weight, and became less humble. No point in posting this on relationship advice, we all know the things they'd say to me. And oil is 25 ml per day, so per month approx 500-700 ml per person. TDEE: 2000 calories daily. Pull her into your body and wrap your arms around her. My wife used to be super fit, before she got pregnant with our kid. It really doesn’t bother me - she’s my wife, she had a kid, and she’s still beautiful - and, even if it did, I never make any comments to her about her Women have their own gyms for a reason and they will feel insecure about lifting until they're good at it. I've started a diet and am seeing results. Protein is so filling for me I can still manage to lose weight, and I am a very slow loser. I just want to express what I'm not socially allowed to in an anonymous way here and be heard. It does not matter which person she cheats with if its a gym trainer or a lawyer or whatever. Initially i was happy. However, she suffered a serious knee injury early this year, has been unable to run My wife has been plus-sized/heavier/fat – whatever language you prefer to use - as long as I’ve known her. I couldn’t eat. This is exactly it. . When we first started dating, she weighed probably around 120 lbs or so and now she’s pushing 170. You have lost a LOT! 8 weeks in I had lost 14 pounds of water weight LOL. I crunched my numbers, did the same thing as last time, but nothing happened. She will get the message :) At least I would love to recieve a compliment like that way more than saying you like my dedication, in that case I would feel a huge pressure to always be dedicated. 19 1. I’ve always worked out but I’m very petite. I am divorcing my wife due to obesity And i cannot be happier. Our new years resolution for 2010 was to lose weight. My wife gained some weight after our wedding and then gained more with the baby. Wife says I'm not trying hard enough and said I'm "dead weight. Encouragers and feeders enjoy the fantasy of helping…. I'm usually met with passive resis My wife [35F] and I [34M] have been married for 7 years. So we have been together a long time, and we always had a fairly good sex life. if you're more advanced: end discussion with the kind of sex that makes her feel like a goddess. 8,5 and 1. I’ve read that most women usually do and/or should stop gaining ~37wks. My wife has never been her ideal weight. And most of the weight gain is supposed to happen partway through 2nd tri and into 3rd. My SO complained a lot about not being able to grip the bars but as soon as she saw how the gloves helped she was deadlifting 20 lbs more. What should have taken me a couple of months took me more than a year. My sex drive in general is better, I'm more confident, way more stamina on my end, and just more sex in general from an SO who's noticed the weight loss. It's so much better, it's like doing it for the first time again. Frankly she is on her last straw. And once you get it, it's very difficult to undo. Look around, and you'll find ways to fill the hole. But She gained weight in the arms, belly and legs unfortunately. She did pretty much nothing and lost nothing. All this weight gain started about 8 months ago and I think it’s a combination of poor eating habits and stress. That is how things tend to go with time. My fatty fat wife gained so much weight and i fucking hate her for it. Your wife's drinking is the main contributor to her laziness, and her drinking is caused by boredom and unhappiness. 8 lbs per week. So for the last 8 years, between the pregnancies she gained weight and kept it, in which it never bothered me, she has a beautiful hourglass figure. Cancer sucks balls. 45. 35. While breastfeeding, she still ate quite a bunch, but since breastfeeding burns a lot of calories, she didn’t gain too much. When we were first married she was skinny. I still think she’s beautiful and it really doesn’t bother me. it's about being healthly, and growing old with her, and blah blah she's great. It is the wife responsibility to crush any advances made by men which are not her husband. om ui yu bq xj xv eh ga cc er