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Algorithm to implement stack using dynamic array

Algorithm to implement stack using dynamic array. Popping an element removes the top plate from the stack. Each item in an array is indexed starting with 0 . // store elements of stack private int arr[]; // represent top of stack private int top; // total capacity of the stack private int capacity; // Creating a stack. Otherwise, the program outputs the resulting stack. You could do this by using template wrapper to alloca function. Linked-List: Every new element is inserted as a top element in the linked list implementation of stacks in data May 5, 2023 · When a data element is attempted to be deleted when the stack is already empty, the stack data structure reports an underflow problem. You will see how all operations can be implemented on the stack in data structures using an array data structure. Create a node first and allocate memory to it. To implement this function with a singly linked list, we first check if the list is empty. Example 1: Java program to implement Stack. Here, in this post we will learn about stack implementation using Apr 16, 2024 · Queue data structure can be implemented by using Arrays or by using Linked List. In this article, we will use the array data structure to store the stack elements and use a pointer to keep track of the topmost element of the stack. 1 day ago · A stack is a collection of objects that are inserted and removed using Last in First out Principle(LIFO). Expressions evaluation and syntax parsing. h. As far as I can tell everything is implemented correctly, but I'm wondering what I can do to improve this code. e. Print the results of the operation based on the requirements May 6, 2024 · Implementation of a Stack in C. Among these data structures, heap data structure provides an efficient implementation of priority queues. Stack Implementation using Array. Your One-Stop Solution to Learn Depth-First Search(DFS) Algorithm From Scratch Lesson - 11. 4. What are some common operations in Queue? Some common operations on Queue are: Insertion or Enqueue, Deletion or Dequeue, Front, Rear, isFull, isEmpty, etc. Here it copies 7 elements. First of all, create a class or structure Node with instance variables, data, and next. Sep 16, 2021 · The approach and algorithm for implementing a stack using singly linked list involves five main functions: push, pop, peek, isEmpty, and display. Ignoring the cost of calls to resize(), an ArrayStack supports the operations. An efficient solution is to deal with circular arrays using the same array. Nov 8, 2015 · Write a C program to implement stack data structure using linked list with push and pop operation. public: int stackArr[size]; Array Implementation of Stack in Data Structure with Introduction, Asymptotic Analysis, Array, Pointer, Structure, Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Nov 8, 2015 · Write a C program to implement stack data structure with push and pop operation. But in a linear array implementation, if the array is full, no more elements can be inserted. Build Up Solutions: Use the stored solutions to build up the solution to the main problem. Follow the steps below to solve the problem: To implement push1 Jul 29, 2022 · A Growable array-based Stack can be implemented by allocating new memory larger than previous stack memory and copying elements from old stack to new stack. Then suppose front = 0 and rear = 7, then the elements from 1 to 7 has to be moved to the right. Algorithm for pop operation while doing representation of stack using array: Begin. Stack Implementation Using Arrays. In most cases it will be faster and more memory efficient than using a doubly linked list implementation. For dynamic size you can on pop swap the one being removed with the last. Dec 22, 2023 · Iterative Tower of Hanoi. push_front (X): Push X at the start of the deque. get(i) and set(i, x) in O(1) time per operation; and. Store Solutions: Solve each subproblem and store the solution in a table or array. Oct 30, 2023 · We have discussed space-efficient implementation of 2 stacks in a single array. Apr 29, 2024 · Part 1 Dynamic Arrays (95%) Dynamic arrays use the following algorithm to ensure sufficient capacity when new elements are added: if the current array is full: Allocate a new array that is twice as large as the current array. To do this, we can define a class called StackArray that provides access to a set of methods that implement stack operations. Dynamic Array-Based Stacks ¶. Stack representation as Array: A Stack is a linear data structure that follows the principle of (Last-In-First-Out) LIFO . Now, let's implement Stack using a dynamic array that is if the array is full Here is a simple implementation of a dynamic array in Java: Dynamic arrays are versatile and easy to use, offering automatic resizing and efficient memory usage. Or actually, the index is for the next free slot in the array, which at the same time is the size of the stack. The program output is also shown below. ( A [data structure instance] can have capacity - 1 elements 2 stacks in 1 array. Four main operations on stack: Push: Adds new item on the top of stack. max_size = 1; Initialize an array in which we'll be storing our data. The data will contain the element to be inserted and next will contain the address of the previous element in the linked list. But, similar to an array list / vector generally being faster in practice for sequential access versus a linked list. size () returns the size of stack. Following three basic operations are performed in the stack: Push: Adds an item in the stack. Apr 15, 2024 · To implement a stack using an array, initialize an array and treat its end as the stack’s top. They are especially useful in scenarios where you need a flexible-size array without worrying about its limitations. Dec 1, 2016 · 2. , use arr [0] to arr [n/2] for stack1, and arr [ (n/2) + 1] to arr [n-1] for stack2 where arr [] is the array to be used to implement two stacks and size of array be n. Design a Stack (LIFO) data structure using Dynamic Array. Jun 25, 2012 · If his dynamic array class does the same as std::vector (that is: it implements RAII to clean up after itself, can grow and shrink and whatever else std::vector does), then there's only one major advantage std::vector has over his dynamic array class: std::vector is standardized and everybody knows it. PUSH function in the code is used to insert an element to the top of stack, POP function May 10, 2024 · To implement a queue using an array, create an array arr of size n and. There are two strategy for growable stack: Tight Strategy : Add a constant amount to the old stack (N+c) Jan 25, 2023 · Let’s understand the implementation of stack using array with an example dry run. The array will be divided into two equal parts. Pop - Access and remove (or pop) the last inserted item in the stack, also referred to as the top of the stack. First, we will take an empty array of capacity 5 and initialize a top variable with -1. Java. using namespace std; class myStack. For example, if we have an array of n equal to 8 elements. We initialize our stack using the create function, where users input the desired maximum size. We can find the usage of Stack in undo\redo operations in word processors as well. When you use linear probing, it's also the presence or absence of prior elements with hash codes that put them in the same bucket. It’s one of the most popular and simple data structures and is often used to implement other data structures. If it's implemented using a dynamic array, then pushing takes amortised constant time; some pushes might require the array to be resized. Follow the below-given procedure to implement Stack using a Single Linked List in Data Structures. Now it will point to a new memory location. Implementing a Stack from Scratch. 3. A stack is a data structure that stores items in a last in first out (LIFO) order. Pop: Removes an item from the top of stack. Pros and Cons of Stack Implementation Using Array. Stack is a linear data structure. Peek: Returns top element of stack. Nov 6, 2023 · Step 1: Increment the variable top (the pointer that points to the top of the stack). Push () - function, we use this function to insert data into the stack, so first we check if top==full i. May 22, 2024 · What is an Array? An array is a collection of items of the same variable type that are stored at contiguous memory locations. Priority queue can be implemented using an array, a linked list, a heap data structure, or a binary search tree. If rear is equal to n, set rear to 0. If A is sparse, shrink the array as follows: Initialize an array A1 of length 2n. start the first stack from that bottom index upwards ++. In this video we will see practic There are many ways to do this, so I will assume that you are using the following implementations: Stack: Linked list: As a singly-linked list with a head pointer. Apply now. dynArray. is_empty: Check if stack is empty or not. The stack will offer some basic operations like push, pop, peek, isEmpty, and isFull to the users. A stack has 2 main functions: Push - Add data to the stack. Implement methods for push, pop, top, and empty operations. This means that the most recently added element is the first one to be removed. Replace the current array with the newly allocated array. /* Stack interface. If a careful observation is run through the array, then after n-th index, the next index always starts from 0 so using the mod operator, we can easily access the elements of the circular list, if we use (i)%n and run the loop from i-th index to n+i Feb 23, 2023 · Implementing Stacks in Data Structures Lesson - 8. DISPLAY. gl/3eQAYBStack implementation in Java without using Collection. Mar 29, 2024 · This approach takes of O(n) time but takes extra space of order O(n). Stack is a linear data structure that follows the LIFO (Last In First Out) principle, where it performs all operations. The solution to this problem is to increase front and rear in circular manner. Else increment the top pointer and insert the data. The push function adds an element to the top of the stack. Pop - This remo. Implementation of kStacks should use only one array, i. pop_front (): Delete an element from Pushing an element to a stack in linked list implementation is different from that of an array implementation. Enter your option :: 4. Here is my solution-Approach 1- Go for a fixed division of an array means if we divide our array into 3 equal parts and push the elements of an array into three fixed-sized stacks. Avoid Redundancy: By storing solutions, DP ensures that each subproblem is solved only once Aug 20, 2019 · I just learned to implement stacks and queues using linked list so naturally using arrays doesn't make sense to me as of now, more specifically we could benefit O(1) push and pop just manipulating the head pointer, and without having to worry about the size of an array, unless it get's too big. Whenever an element is added in the stack, it is added on the top of the stack, and the element can be deleted only from the stack. In this post I will explain stack implementation using linked list in C language. Sep 12, 2016 · Next, we assume that m > 4. Allocating arrays with variable length on the stack is a good idea, because it fast and doesn't fragment the memory. Pop: To remove and return the top element from the stack. All the operations are performed using arrays. The topmost element is the one that was most recently added, and it is the only element accessible for removal until it is popped off the stack. In the stack implementation of the array, we maintain the top with a variable and the stack has a predefined size that cannot be increased later. Each element in an array is accessed through its index. Stack can either be a fixed size one or it may have a sense of dynamic resizing. A stack can be implemented using arrays as well as linked lists. Series of functions are stored in a stack by a compiler. # Stack implementation in python # Creating a stack def create_stack(): stack = [] return stack. // initialize the array // initialize the stack variables. Create a data structure kStacks that represents k stacks. We shall able to perform push & pop operations on both stacks. c. Below is the circular array implementation of deque. Dec 30, 2014 · The feature that I miss the most from C++ when I use plain C is probably the std::vector from STL (Standard Template Library). Stack has only one End referred to as TOP. Your One-Stop Solution for Stack Implementation Using Array Lesson - 9. In order to push an element onto the stack, the following steps are involved. We can create a dynamic array in C by using the following methods: Using malloc () Function. e stack is full and data cannot be inserted. Similarly, to delete (or pop) an element we take the element at top index and then decrement the top index. stack1 and stack2. If you have one array of maximal size, two stacks are possible: as a stack grows from a fixed position in some direction and shrinks there too. 9. top () Returns the top element of the stack. The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle. May 25, 2023 · For implementing queue, we need to keep track of two indices, front and rear. May 10, 2012 · And what if I implemented the Tape using a dynamic array? In the situation where the size of the array needs resizing, can I avoid copying the entire Tape over to a newly allocated array? Sep 21, 2022 · Circular array implementation of Deque: For implementing deque, we need to keep track of two indices, front, and rear. Copy all entries from the current array to the new array. We represent an empty queue with a top value equal to –1. We enqueue an item at the rear and dequeue an item from the front. QUIT. Create two stacks using single array. back (): Get the last item from the deque. Now Let's start with our task for Implementing two stacks in one array. Copy all the n elements of A over to A1. #include <algorithm>. push_back (X): Push X at the end of the deque. rear is the index up to which the elements are stored in the array and. Up to this point I duplicated my memory allocation code all over the place in my projects. In programming, stacks are used to implement recursive algorithms, undo/redo functionality, expression evaluation, and more. For example, if X = {5, 3, 11, 8, 2} and K = 16 then the answer is YES since the subset X' = {5, 11} has a sum of 16. push () to insert an element into the stack. Feel free to modify the source code as per your need. Step 2: Add the new element at the updated top, the new memory location. Aug 27, 2018 · create an array larger than the current array size. Initialize a constructor as top = -1 indicating that stack is empty. Implement the methods to perform the stack operations such as push, pop, peek, isEmpty and isFull. Practice this problem . Note: Push operation can cause stack overflow condition if we try to perform push operation on an already Stack Implementations in Python, Java, C, and C++. We can implement a Stack using an Array or Linked list. For stack 1, use [0,n/3] For stack 2, use [n/3,2n/3] For stack 3, use May 2, 2024 · How Does Dynamic Programming (DP) Work? Identify Subproblems: Divide the main problem into smaller, independent subproblems. front is the index of the first element of the array. Initialize two variables front and rear to -1. The operation known as peek returns the item at the top of the stack without removing it May 1, 2015 · It uses a dynamic array and requires reallocation, once the number of elements grows beyond it's capacity. for Push (m ≥ 4) Initialize an array A 0 of length 2n. Declare an array of the generic type to store the stack elements. We can enclose this array in a class as a member and encapsulate the methods and data related to the stack in that class for easy and organized access. This storage will grow and shrink as necessary to accomodate the number of items on the stack. Queue: Linked list: As a singly-linked list with a head and tail pointer. Write the algorithms for the each operation and taking care to handle the edge cases such as overflow or underflow. Jul 22, 2015 · 0. In C, we can implement a stack using an array or a linked list. Following is the detailed problem statement. Stack Implementation Using Array. Here is a simple and incomplete class to illustrate the idea. Stack using array is the easiest way to understand, how stack actual work. peek () :- It returns (not remove) the element from the top of the stack. */. The Java Collections Framework provides built-in dynamic arrays Stack Implementation using Linked Lists. In this program, we have written two functions namely push, and pop that will work as push, pop operation in the stack using array There are two approaches to implement two stacks using one array: First Approach. The push and pop functions are used to insert and delete elements in the stack, respectively. There are two ways to implement stack using arrays i. Implementation of Stack Using Arrays in CIn the array-based implementation of a stack, we use an array to Dec 6, 2021 · The default way to implement dynamic arrays is to use realloc. The most common stack implementation is using arrays, but it can also be implemented using lists. To implement the stack using array, we need to keep track of the topmost element in the array. It consists of three poles and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any pole. First, we will divide the array into two sub-arrays. getSize: To get the number of elements in the stack. stack is completely empty. Execute this code to push() the number "10" onto the stack: Output. Mar 31, 2023 · The most common uses of Stack are expression evaluation and syntax parsing. If true, "Underflow!!" is displayed. Apr 17, 2016 · 3. If the user selects 4, the program exits. 2 on a Linux system. What is a multidimensional array? The following theorem summarizes the performance of an ArrayStack: Theorem 2. But using alloca is not really a standard conforming. It follows LIFO (Last In First Out) pattern for Input/output. Basic Operations on Stacks. The problem is to check if there exists a subset X' of X whose elements sum to K and finds the subset if there's any. com Feb 20, 2023 · Tutorial Playlist. , k stacks should use the same array for storing e Aug 25, 2020 · Program to Implement the Stack using Array: Implementation of stack using Array is explained with the help of examples Download Source Code & Notes here: htt Many algorithms like Depth First Search, Graham Scan, Monotone Triangulation, etc. Procedure for Stack Implementation Using Array. Stack operations are usually performed for May 8, 2024 · A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. The C program is successfully compiled and run on gcc-4. Backtracking; Undo features, back and forth features etc. #include <iostream>. Once len == capacity we use realloc to grow our array. In this article, we will learn how to implement a stack using an array in C. Stack implements the LIFO mechanism i. The dynamic array-based stack contains an internal array (which will grow and shrink dynamically), and the index of the top of the stack. The Stack data structure will supports the following operations: push (N) :- It insert element N onto the top of the stack. In this post I will explain stack implementation using array in C language. Jan 8, 2024 · A stack can be implemented using an array and supports functions like push, pop, peek, empty and full. end. 3. Pop (m ≥ 4) Perform pop as follows: Return the last element of A, and decrease n by 1. Algorithmic Approach. Stack(int size) {. Destroy A, and replace it with A1. Some of the principle operations in the stack are −Push - This adds a data value to the top of the stack. h : Dynamic Array implementation. In a circular array, if the array is full, we start from the beginning. Implementation of stack using array. ar [++ top1] = data; printf ("Stack Full! In this tutorial we will implement stack using an array. Hence the total is 7 + 7 = 14. See full list on baeldung. We will create two stacks i. The Output of the program is shown above . Here is source code of the C Program to Implement two Stacks using a Single Array & Check for Overflow & Underflow. This can cause copying of the whole array to another heap location. Jan 29, 2024 · To implement a stack in Java using an array and generics, follow these steps: Create a class called Stack with a generic type parameter. The steps to implement two stacks in one array are: Given an array of integers. However, if we implement a stack using a linked list, then we get constant-time pushes and pops. But C++ Standard unfortunately doesn't support it. , Jan 22, 2011 · This is a very common interview question "Implement 3 stacks using a single Array or >List". In Stack there is one end through which insertion and deletion takes place. if top = 0. Problem Statement. 1. Feb 8, 2017 · I have the following structure: typedef struct{ void** array; int top; int capacity; } ArrayStack; and the Push() function as below: 6 days ago · Array: In array implementation, the stack is formed using an array. Hence, we will be using the heap data structure to implement the priority queue in this tutorial. Hence Stack is also known as LIFO (Last In [Flowchart for Stack using Array, Stack Peek Operation Algorithm, Stack Pop Operation Algorithm, Stack Push Operation Algorithm, Flowchart Dec 9, 2015 · I have implemented a Stack using dynamic array (implementing array doubling) but when the doubling happens for the second time, I am getting runtime error! What's going wrong with the implementation? May 24, 2024 · Implementation of Stack in C++. In my previous post, I covered how to implement stack data structure using array in C language. In this post, a general solution for k stacks is discussed. It behaves like a stack of plates, where the last plate added is the first one to be removed. /* dynArr. pick a fixed bottom index for both stacks. Apr 13, 2021 · This tutorial provides ways to implement stack using array in java. Aug 31, 2023 · C Program to Implement Stack using array - A stack is an abstract data structure that contains a collection of elements. First, the sub-array would be considered stack1 and another sub array would be considered stack2. the element that is pushed at the end is popped out first. Apr 27, 2013 · The hash code of the element, The size of the table, and. initialize front = -1 , rear = 0. The Array implementation requires the size of the Queue to be specified at the time of declaration. We can implement a stack using either a list or a custom linked list. Enqueue: To enqueue an element x into the queue, do the following: Increment rear by 1. Using Variable Length Arrays (VLAs) Using Flexible Array Members. The main advantage of using LinkedList over array for implementing stack is the dynamic allocation of data whereas in the a The C Program is written for implementation of STACK using Array, the basic operations of stack are PUSH () and POP (). The stack structure or class is appropriately set with the size and a top pointer May 23, 2024 · Array data structures are used to implement the other data structures like linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, etc. First, it checks to see if top is equivalent to -1. arr = new int[size]; capacity = size; Apr 22, 2024 · If the user selects 3, the program handles a show(). Apr 3, 2019 · The stack can be implemented using array. Sep 21, 2023 · A stack can be implemented using an array, a linked list, or a dynamic array (such as a vector in C++ or ArrayList in Java). We have discussed these operations in the previous post and covered an array implementation of the stack data structure. 2 * 8 - 2 = 14. 10. Working: Create an empty array ‘arr’ of size N. Before performing the following operations May 20, 2021 · Instead, our implementation will use a dynamically sized array as storage. In this post, a linked list implementation of the stack is discussed. A stack can be implemented by means of Array, Structure, Pointer, and Linked List. Implementation. push () Function. Push and Pop operations will be done at the same end called "top of the Stack". Mar 2, 2021 · A Stack is one of the most common Data Structure. start the second stack from that bottom index downwards --. The Subset Sum problem takes as input a set X = {x1, x2 ,…, xn} of n integers and another integer K. make the new array the current. Stack is one of the most popular used data structure which has multiple applications Dec 21, 2022 · Basic Operations on Stack. Your One-Stop Solution for Queue Implementation Using Array Lesson - 10. The stack can be implemented using the array organizes its the elements in contiguous memory locations. I've have methods for a stack and bag using a dynamic array in C. Peek/Top: To look at the top element without removing it. T *list; DynamicArray() {. It is possible to implement a stack data structure using an array. I don't want this copying to happen, since I'm designing a dynamic array that should be able to store large amount of elements, and the system that would run Apr 26, 2024 · Implement the constructor to initialize the stack with the given size. Array implementation of stack structure. User can insert elements into the stack, and can only access or remove the recently inserted object on top of the stack. The puzzle starts with the disk in a neat stack in ascending order of size in one pole, the smallest at the top thus making a conical shape. Array: As a circular buffer backed by an array. Think of it this way: Pushing an element onto the stack is like adding a new plate on top. While array doubling those 7 elements are copied. Operation: push (10) In this push operation, first, we will check if the stack is full or not To insert (or push) an element, we increment top index and then place the new element at that index. ArrayList in Java, vector in C++, list in Python is an example of a dynamic array. Resizing Array Using realloc () Function. Jan 11, 2023 · A Dynamic Array is allocated memory at runtime and its size can be changed later in the program. Here it is 7. Here, we are going to implement stack using arrays, which makes it a fixed size stack implementation. A reason for using linked lists to implement stacks: Dynamic size: The stack can grow and shrink dynamically, unlike with arrays. dynamicArray. The start position is fixed. Nov 10, 2017 · Implementation. Process returned 0. The following program is a sample implementation of Stack data structure. Now, let’s perform various operations to understand the working of the stack. item = stack (top) top = top – 1. isEmpty: To check whether the stack is empty. Sep 14, 2022 · A stack is a linear data structure that serves as a collection of elements, with three main operations: push, pop, and peek. take two variables front and rear both of which will be initialized to 0 which means the queue is currently empty. Dynamic Stack, just like Dynamic Array, is a stack data structure whose the length or capacity (maximum number of elements that can be stored) increases or decreases in real time based on the operations (like insertion or deletion) performed on it. STACK uses Last in First Out approach for its operations. Your One-Stop Solution for Stack Implementation Using Dec 29, 2017 · Complete playlist of Data Structure Using Java : https://goo. delete the old array. Jan 24, 2024 · Create a Stack. A circular queue can have capacity - 1 elements. And increase the size of the stack. In each of the operations below, if the array is full, "overflow message" is thrown. Jul 7, 2023 · Implement Circular Queue using Array: Initialize an array queue of size n, where n is the maximum number of elements that the queue can hold. Jul 13, 2023 · The idea to implement two stacks is to divide the array into two halves and assign two halves to two stacks, i. pop () to remove an element from the stack. pop () :- It removes and returns the element from the top of the stack. If the list is empty then the item is to be pushed as the start node of the list. May 14, 2016 · With a fixed sized array you can use a rotary buffer where you need only keep offset and size as well as the array of values, you don't need a node struct as you keep values in order, as long as values are a constant size. Array: As a dynamic array. Reasons for not using linked lists to implement stacks: Extra memory: Each stack element must contain the address to the next element (the next linked list node). If you change any of these three factors, you need a full rehash: unless you do something really bad, such as picking a non-prime table size, the value of May 2, 2024 · A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. I have implemented a dynamic array in C++ and JAVA which is given below. isEmpty () returns true if stack is empty else false. All we need to do is track the top of the stack, which points to the most recently pushed element. One common way to implement a stack is by using arrays. A stack can be visualized as a vertical structure where elements are added or removed from the top. Oct 30, 2018 · Implementing Stack in C#. C++. Implement push (add to end), pop (remove from end), and peek (check end) operations, handling cases for an empty or f ull stack . add(i, x) and remove(i) in O(1 + n − i) time per operation. C. Using calloc () Function. 1. And then at last change the name of new stack to the name which was given to old stack. In order to make manipulations in a stack, there are certain operations provided to us. copy current array to the new array. If the stack is full, then it is said to be a stack Overflow condition. Table of Contents. We enqueue (push) an item at the rear or the front end of the dequeue and dequeue (pop) an item from both the rear and the front end. If we simply increment front and rear indices, then there may be problems, the front may reach the end of the array. Above is the source code for C Program to implement Stack Operations Using Pointer which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System. Implementation using array Implementation. Element. Because C++ does not support static variable length arrays, we will need to dynamically allocate the array at runtime. 2. Use the array to store and manipulate the stack elements. An ArrayStack implements the List interface. Algorithm for pop operation. I still haven't figured out how I should represent growing arrays in C. Typically stack is implemented using, Array or a Dynamic Array; Linked List; The major operations in a stack involve adding and removing elements at the top, if we use an array to implement it, we will end up moving the array elements one step to the right every time there's a push or pop operation which is very expensive. POP. Python. Most of the programming languages already have the implementation for dynamic arrays. What is the purpose of using arrays? An array is used when several variables of the same type need to be used, and it can be defined as a sequence of objects of the same type. Pop: Removes an item from the stack. Users can call these methods from outside the class using an object of the StackArray class. So the element can only be inserted and removed from TOP only. May 21, 2021 · The task is to implement a dynamic Deque using templates class and a circular array, having the following functionalities: front (): Get the front item from the deque. sc xw ob no jf ld cv ns xz es