
Brain fog for months reddit

  • Brain fog for months reddit. Pretty much anything that's good for mental health is good for brain fog - hydration, exercise, meditation, good diet, etc. There are a million different causes of brain fog but I'm talking about the kind that stems from anxiety and trauma. I'd also ask for a follow up to go over the MRI results - vaping can cause blood vessel damage and with the brain, it shows up in a MRI, it's called vascular damage. Hang in there. I remember waking up one day thinking I got the flu because the brain fog or 4. looking for some extra reassurance lol. I've been on TRT for about a year and dealing with brain fog for about 10-11 months, my TRT protocol has fluctuated a bit based on T levels but I take approximately 150 a week, pinning EOD. I guess it depends on how you changed your diet. Colloidal gold 20 ppm helped me quite a bit with brain fog and dizziness. I think I'd feel better to read about other people's Hi, everyone. This past week I’ve had extreme brain fog where it makes it hard to function at work. There was some skepticism but I’m just here to post that the effects lasted. Stay hydrated! It absolutely does. My health on EVERY level has been adversely affected in such a way that at 41 I feel debilitated. Keeping a diary helps. Recent reviews have described the potential use of natural flavonoids for the treatment of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. So far in the past 2 weeks I've only used it 3 times, and I'm starting to feel the dumbness taking over. ADMIN. So from now, full recovery took me about 4. I had no idea my brain fog could be related to becoming sober. Inevitable-Being-441. My own level one brain fog lifted at day 53, but took just over 180 days for the aperture on my brain to fully open up. I've heard of many cases where this kind of pressure has been brought up in combination with brain fog and I'm sure some of you that have clicked on this thread can relate aswell. Extreme brain fog for months, please help. Chronic Forehead Pressure. Here are all the things that I've learned that helped get me there. I have brain fog 24/7. I'm so glad this normal. In a different reality. I took Citalopram for a few years and stopped taking it a year ago. I'd say the brain fog got a little better at the 3-4 week mark, but wasn't completely gone. The brain has a scientifically proven and incredible power to heal itself. I absolutely don’t recommend it at all. This subreddit exists to serve as a community support group to keep eachother strong on the journey through discovery (of cause) to recovery, as well as to serve as a congregation of community brainstorming & useful resources. I had clear mucus came out when I did nasal rinses. Kept feeling very fatigued, lots of PEM with minimal exertion, awful brain fog, hair fell out. I feel like its ruined my life. Interestingly once I upped my dosage from 1mg 3x/Week to 1mg/day, my brain fog went down Just left a response about disability stuff and realized I forgot to respond about the brain fog. Hey man, I’ve been taking Fin for about 8 months now and I’ve had brain fog sporadically throughout that time period. This time around my body has not given me a choice. I’ve had migraines everyday, brain fog that has not subsided pretty much at all. I went in and talked to my GP about it, and I started the patch and progesterone 10 days ago. Not quite sure what the issue is, when I first noticed the brain fog I decided to switch diets a bit, go carnivore My brain fog appears to be due brain and gut inflammation. e. • 9 mo. i’ve had consistent brain fog every day: hard to focus, process information or conversations. For breakfast drink a large glass of green smoothie. Researched different supplements, learned about pacing, rested alot. About 3 years ago the brain fog started. I've been carnivore (meat and salt) for about 6 months now, so I should be fat adapted. I really have to fight it’s effects Yes. I was at to 80gpd and this was my most disliked side effect. Something has to be bothering you. I remember still struggling with brain fog and anxiety at five months. It's usually not noticable when I'm still lying in bed, but 5-10 minutes after getting up I can already feel the onset of 4-5/10 brainfog. CaptainMrBucket. I have brain fog 24/7 and I am extremely worried that it will not go away. I feel like the connections I make aren't as higher level thinking they Infected Feb 2023, first sign of LC in March 2023. And ultimately if you're still having cognitive issues by say six months, I would highly recommend meds. TLDR - Sudden onset of constant brain fog and feeling really mentally and emotionally drained. In the beginning I didn't really have any brain fog issues, they seemed to appear about 3 months later. I took mdma about 2 months ago over the course of 3 days probably far more than I should have. The feeling of having your head in some kind of pressure state, where opening a theoretical valve would lead to relief and a brain fog/ head pressure free state. This was the start of the brain fog last year. The past 12 months I have been dealing with constant dizziness (off balance feeling like rocking on a boat and not the spins), headaches, and brain fog on a daily basis. I’m also extremely fatigued, I still get brain fog but not as bad as Jan/March, my body and muscles ache, I get headaches almost daily, and I honestly feel worse physically day to day than I did when I Cleared (for now) Success Story. On this particular night I blacked out pretty bad, I’ve done it a ton before but this was the first time in about two years. But, although physiological changes are complete within 2-3 weeks there are a number of potential reasons for what you're seeing. So I've been on keto for several months now, since beginning of april this year. This past month on vacation I've been reducing it to the days when I don't sleep enough. Start with 10-15 seconds and warm water after, then build up to around 1-minute with just cold water. Practice stress-management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Then 2-4 weeks for the bulk of the worst. Yes it does get better in generalthat being said I ended up needing an anti anxiety medicine. Which is hard since whenever I feel brain fog, it's really all I can think about. Is this normal, does it change, is it permanent? As per title, I will pay $1,000 USD to anyone who can relieve my brain fog or point me in the direction of someone/something that does (I hope this allowed). Best advice would be to try and see going without it completely. I had derealization, like I was in a movie. I then began to return to normal health and I thought I was better so I went out and drank but got too Sudden onset of Brain Fog. LSD caused me to lose feelings for my girlfriend but I know I still care about her and want her to be with me but I don’t feel that love. All other levels were fine but I’ll definitely ask about e2 and brain fog. 5 intense months. My brain is slow, my memory is poor and I feel detached from the world. That made it better and worth it to ride out the annoying and sometimes scary side effects. Brain fog is gone!!! After months it’s finally gone! : r/covidlonghaulers. Nowadays I just get confused when trying to read or write anything. Sometimes it can be emotionally related. 5 months after starting finasteride) I had my first-in-my-life severe episode of what I can only call brain fog. This all started on may 13 where I decided i wanted to change my life for the better because I was always sleeping late around 4 am or 6 am and waking up at 2-3 pm. • 8 mo. my vision feels off too, like i can’t concentrate like everything not only feels foggy but Been on . A community for individuals suffering from the effects of COVID-19 longer than the estimated 4 weeks, also known as PACS, PASC, and Long Covid. (Blood pressure in brain is too high, no cause determined) I wake up and about an hour later it sets in. Methyl can create brain fog for me, but it beats the feeling of insanity from deficiency. 25mg EOD of fin for about a month now. Sometimes it's food, so people try a migraine elimination diet. For the past 11 months, I've experienced a 24/7 sensation of pressure/tension in my forehead along with increasing dizziness, brain fog, ringing in my ears, dissociation, fatigue, and a few heightened mood swings. I stopped drinking the 6th so I'm getting to that window. Lions main, ginkgo, DLPA, magnesium, and many many more. LloydNAS. No and no. When will it go away? I had brain fog for 2 months prior to surgery and going into it and now I still feel like I’m in a daze. I experienced brain fog from other opioids, but kratom was much stronger. ago. I feel like whenever I wake up my brainfog is at its highest baseline level (as in no other factors like aclohol or stress adding to it). Fixed fog with sodium [Two month Update] Success Story. 1. I remember the date when it started, it was on the 1st of December 2022. I have gotten mri and it is clear. Hello friends. Been taking Risperidone (Risperdal) for 3 months. Hello all, Not sure if anyone has experienced something like this before but about two months ago I went out drinking with my friends. It would be better or worse some days but was pretty much always there. Why do I have this still ? Brain fog, bad memory & a complete lack of concentration one month on. My symptoms involved extreme anxiety, depression, overthinking, and what felt like bees buzzing in my head but the buzzing was the hum of a different thought every few hundred milliseconds or less. Good day everyone, I made a post a while ago suggesting I fixed most of my brain fog by supplementing sodium into my diet. Brain inflammation from COVID and a nasty cold. Along with the other basic supplements…good bioavailable multivitamin and fish oil. Had frequent DPDR episodes for about 7 months and lingering anxiety/trauma/brain fog for another 8. Brain fog. I go to bed with it, and i even wake up with it. The brain fog comes and goes now rather than being completely persistent like before, but it's still an ongoing struggle. I was frustrated because I felt like everyone else got over these symptoms much faster than me. The chest pain, dizziness have gone away. What exactly caused the inflammation is the piece of the medical puzzle left to solve. Best of luck!! I moved back home in March, noticed brain fog at the end of May. I was given a memory foam mattress. My depression and anxiety have been improved significantly but for a couple of months now, I'm stupidest I've ever been. It's been quite the whirlwind trying to figure out where this sudden pressure in my forehead is About 10 days ago, (2. Test levels were around 600. 12 years of use & I'm now at 5 months without. It is unrelenting and has been building up over several months. My overall T levels sit at about 700 ng/dl, and my libido . it was weird, but it went away. Since that time, nearly every mental task for me has been clouded with this sense of brain fog. sleep disorders (sleep apnea, narcolepsy, etc) Brain fog for 2 months straight : r/BrainFog - Reddit true Brain "fog" may be due to inflammatory molecules, including adipocytokines and histamine released from mast cells (MCs) further stimulating microglia activation, and causing focal brain inflammation. PMDD holds my brain hostage and makes me feel like something is cognitively wrong with me. Basically, I made a bad decision and became terrified One month update on 17-day fast to tackle long COVID exhaustion, brain fog. Now, I think that the quality of my sleep, my brain fog, my set-point energy level It's important to stick with your recovery strategies even after the episodes stop. For it to be going on for 2 months - it's something else happening. 2. Edit: there’s that brain fog working it’s magic, it was you, OP, who said empty shell lol. I packed on quite a bit of lean, rock hard muscle. Brain fog has all sorts of causes. 5kg at the moment. Some doctors don't discuss being prediabetic and needing a change in diet. Test level was about 1000 (started at around 400). For the first month + I was having trouble keeping up in meetings and finding the business buzzwords that I normally was known to sprinkle into my oh so insightful remarks. SSRI-induced brain fog. You can also google the anti inflammatory diet. Two other things that have helped: ice baths and hyperbaric oxygen. Pretty much the exact symptoms you described (ie brain fog, inability to concentrate, always tired) accept I also would get this weird "out of my head" feeling, I just never really felt like I was fully conscious. mominthewild. 6 month Carnivore, weightlifter, fatigue and brain fog. Then one week, the brain fog and weak legs started roaring back. I feel so weird driving my nose was congested for two months on one side. I'm 60, post-menopausal by 4 years now. Not too long after I take my first dose I feel the effects coming on, and motivation goes out the window. I honestly think the worst symptom is the brain fog and inability to speak or clothing clearly for 1-2 weeks every month. The blood test HbA1C test is for diabetes. Still if you are getting enough sleep and not overduing it or not having off or on sleep then it could be a different condition. it’s been three weeks and two days since my surgery. Still have brain fog post op day 3 after Functional endoscopic surgery/ septoplasty and turbinate reduction. I started with 25 mg and I've been taking 75 mg daily. No, I don’t have LONG COVID. I'm 5"8. It was because of hypothyroidism. 😎. Heart/Chest Pain, Brain Fog, Headaches, Tiredness, Trouble Naturally Breathing (After 3 Months No Use) Since having Covid in January, I’ve experienced one other severe depressive episode and some low grade depression between these episodes. COVID, flu, etc) any of the many autoimmune diseases could cause these symptoms, though less likely without other associated symptoms. I feel like I'm living in a dream world. It definitely got worse. I took 2 Tbsp morning and night. 23 prior healthy male. The constant inflammation made headaches worse. Things you can try to see if it helps is start taking a high quality fish oil at least 4000mg of EPA and DHA per day, and eat a lot more food high in antioxidants. the brain fog wont even let me remember what normal feels like but I know this isn’t it. post-viral syndromes (i. So as the title of my post says, I've been dealing with brain fog/problems concentrating while on TRT that I was not experiencing before I started. Feels like everything is lagging, like a millisecond slowed down. Hypoglycemia can happen with diabetes or with low nutrition. My fog was triggered by a highly stressful experience in 2017 while staffing a summer camp. From the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. It was my first extended fast, which I hope highlights how desperate I was for Probably a supplementation of 5htp (you can find on Amazon) can restore some sort of brain fog cuz they act in the similar pathway ( for example many people that claim that have post finesteride, have this called brain fog, similar to depression, and many of that people just with 5htp restore and function normally) So in my opinion try The thoughts aren’t daily anymore and not as life threatening. Started taking meds, but it took a few months to clear up. Ive had severe brain fog for the past 5 years or so. Fluid-Ideal-7438. The brain fog was my #1 reason for quitting. And brain fog and anxiety may be two separate issues. Dizziness, Brain Fog, & Headaches Daily. (Through my experience, I have personally found that the optimal dosage of coffee is 2 cups per day. When it happens I have difficulty focusing/forming thoughts and it feels like I'm mentally exhausted, even when I get plenty of sleep. Brain fog and feeling weird months after mdma. Buspar has been great for my debilitating anxiety, but I can confirm the same type of side effects. m. It seems to help a little for me, but I still have had some pretty bad days lately. And yes, vaping will cause fatigue, brain fog, all sorts of nasties. I had already been dealing with brain fog / dissociation prior to starting Lexapro, partly due to anxiety, partly due to having some other health stuff. My vape gave me debilitating brain fog for three years before I realized it was actually the vape (50 mg) causing this. I'm fully recovered. I am now 2 months vape free and one month nicotine free (I used patches for one month). For me, it´s a permanent state. This past week, I experienced what was likely brain fog from hypothyroidism. If I’m feeling down or lethargic about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of salt will sort me right out. I suspect I may have some mild memory loss as well, but probably nothing really important (hopefully). I've been taking it for 6 weeks and haven't noticed anything. Sometimes it's a lack of energy, or a diet change, lack of sleep or even just poor sleep. It took about a year for me, then another 9 months to get rid of the depression all of this caused! Please check your thyroid also as that could also cause brain fog. I got sober about a month ago and while my mood has improved I've started getting what I can only call a brain fog. Doc upped my dose (from 60 to 72 units The brain fog started about a month after moving out of home onto this old mattress. I smoked for 20 years pack a day. I cannot communicate, think, work, drive, maintain relationships. Even before diabetes happens, it comes with a lot of brain fog and fatigue. All they can find is some increased idiopathic hypertension. Does the sedation and brain fog ever go away? I am suffering from brain fog for about 5 months. 5 and weigh 67. My brain fog and fatigue took 3-4 months to completely dissipate after COVID. Also stopped overworking myself to death. Don't give up! Brain fog after 5 months. It started because of a panic attack during my exam. Brainfog after waking up in the morning. Exercise will only speed this process up as it rebalances its dopamine sensitivity. The number one thing that has helped me is drinking Liquid IV in 20 oz of water first thing in the morning. You will feel the results from this in just 5-7 days. I've never felt so dumb in my life. I guess I’m what you’d call a survivor of brain fog, so I figured I should share my story. I've been working out consistently for the past three months and have encountered a frustrating issue: severe brain fog and fatigue, particularly after my workouts. Following that I was really ill throwing up and couldn't stand up without feeling dizzy for a week. I used to be under the impression that my brain fog was caused by my poor sleep since they correlate so perfectly. The feeling of having a way too short wristband around your head. This after 5 years of smoking, 3 of those being I take 20 mg twice daily. It impacted my academic life quite a bit. I've spoken to doctor after doctor and none of them seem even remotely concerned and keep telling me to rest. I see a neurologist and she suggested B vitamins (especially B2) and CoQ10 to help with brain fog, but that's specifically related to long covid. I was admitted to the hospital July 5th and treated for elevated creatinine with no cause. I'd suggest starting slow though. But if I really try to occupy myself with something I'm interested in, it will usually override Chronic Forehead Pressure. Brainfog is a form of cognitive impairment which itself is a symptom of one or more conditions, ranging from a mild, to debilitating severity. I am a 27M. Sugar. Sleep and Brain fog can be a symptom of systemic inflammation, and this is often caused by increased oxidative damage. Some medications can certainly have brain fog as a side effect. Hey group! A month ago I finished what was ultimately a 17-day fast to try to eliminate post-COVID symptoms of everyday exhaustion, extreme fatigue after workouts, and all-around brain fog. ADHD. Right away felt like Captain America for several months. Since having brain fog, I've lost so much confidence in my movement and thinking and ability to talk its manifested itself into severe anxiety. I definitely have experienced brain fog, it'll happen for a little bit - stick with it, took me a month or so to adjust. I’ve had brain fog for two months now. Dairy intolerance, not just lactose intolerance. Overall, is it helping your mood? For me, it did almost right away -- within a week or two of starting. Now at 5 months, I feel MUCH better but it is still a work in progress. The brain fog and dizziness were getting worse each time I was hit with another round of what seemed to be covid - about once a month. I MUST QUIT FOR GOOD. I'm trying not to be dramatic about it, but this past week has been really scary and insanely stressful. I have found that distracting myself helps. ) Started trt 7 months later. I was suffering it for months before the brain fog happened. Unfortunately I remember that was the month I relapsed. Nobody can predict that. I am seeing a neurologist in august. It’s always so difficult to communicate my thoughts and remember small things when any other time it would be easy If you feel your current physiotherapy isn't translating into results after say 4-6 weeks of doing it, maybe try seeing someone else. So I started this antibiotic for a UTI, then 2 days later I woke up feeling completely normal! I was present and could think clearly! The aim was to better characterize the relationship between COVID-19 severity and persistent cognitive problems, often called "brain fog," because previous studies have had small sample sizes and lacked optimal measurement of cognitive function, the researchers said. Took me about 7 months to be happily divorced from nicotine. In short he says go 28 days with raw fruits and vegetables. And the brain fog started 3 months after getting h pylori. Eventually, you tap out. This has been nothing like what I expected. Sushi9999. 4. The brain fog still remains even after surgery. Unfortunately I have had another bout of brain fog since October 2023, my thyroid levels are fine, so probably psychosomatic. 1) Onset. I also seem to be forgetting words, especially near the end of my sentences. Some folks with ADHD don't "recharge" as quickly as 'normal' folks due to putting in so much effort to seemingly only keep up. There’s good science on both of them decreasing inflammation, which helps with chronic fatigue. There is a guy named Anthony Williams, he got a book that helped me. I experienced an incredible surge in energy after my 2nd month and have been lifting pretty steadily since. Then by month 2 it was mostly resolved with a few issues here and there. Tell me about your experience with brain fog and head pressure and let me know about the things you've found out to increase quality of life or even to get rid of brain fog completely. I am a CPA and farmer (you may laugh at that). Electrolytes and hydration are awesome for a million reasons, BUT I like Liquid IV in I have tried antibiotics and got really sick, and finished the course. I really need some people to just bounce off of who understand what I'm going through right now. Can't believe it's already day 17 for me (cold turkey, no NRT). It's a week since I started to take a saw palmetto supplement ( standardized at 92%) as suggested from my dermatologist. Eating a piece of candy during the afternoon will give you a huge boost if your body isn't used to it. I'm a programmer for a living, and in the middle of working I suddenly found myself completely unable to focus, concentrate or comprehend what I was looking at. Brain fog is gone!!! After months it’s finally gone! Okay so I had covid a few months ago and became a long haulers a few for the first few months i was sober i couldnt do basic math in my head, and forgot things all the time. It can help reduce stress and improve cognitive function. Three things that really improved my brain fog: 1: First thing in the morning take a cold shower. But nicotine pouches dramatically helped. I've had awful brain fog and general fatigue for a couple years, which I thought was due to my autoimmune disease. My Experience. I used to use patches every weekday and just be sober or vape on the weekends. It is very disabling. So I’m assuming the same amount of time if not longer for it to go away as I slept on it for 8 months before realising. I skip breakfast (I've found that it worsens my overall mood and brain fog) and do the day's important tasks until lunchtime on an almost empty stomach. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits, veggies, and omega-3s. If not associated with the common issues seen below and correctable I'd recommend you get seen and evaluated. I had terrible brain fog, derealization and then depression in 2021. Barring that, daily cardio has been proven to accelerate concussion recovery. • 2 yr. So far most evidence points towards it having much less side effects than finasteride, but there hasn't been a lot of studies. Please bear with me plopping down random thoughts in a likely disorganized mess. I would have brain fog when i had my previous sinus infections but the antibiotics would get rid of it. We welcome brainfog of any Brain Fog/Depression months after binge drinking session. I forget people's names, notifications, alerts, conversations, etc. Since then i have had extreme brain fog, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness. I feel like whenever I study I cant make the same connections as others with the concepts I read. I'm 36 years old and have been using Zoloft for 7 months. No, this isn't normal. I had to quit my job because the stress and loss of confidence Been having brain fog on keto for months. This can often be associate with brain fog either on its own or after a large amount of stimulation. In fact I've got it right now as I write this, and I probably rewrote those last few sentences 3-4 times. Has anyone had this and did it resolve? I am thinking about stopping but it’s working so I hate to do it. I was surprised and relieved to have it alleviate about 80% of my This is normal. It doesn't go away until I fall asleep. Then I have lunch at 12 o'clock and then drink my second coffee at 1 p. Neurologist wont give my brain an MRI because my gait testing went too well and he feels it's not necessary. I have been suffering from brain fog for 6 years, I mostly feel disconnected from everything and can't socialise much. I'm at 18 months and was thinking about how horrible my brain fog is all day, I've tried many things including all kinds of basic vitamins including all Bs. It will definitely heal with time. I know this is a little lengthy, so feel free to skip the first couple sections. Felt like it was never going to end. YMMV It is called recovery for a reason. Hey my name is Alex I will be 19 in 2 days and I’ve been really suffering with feeling out of it having palpitations and being super forgetful for now 6 months. I used to have a very sharp intellect and enjoyed reading all kinds of philosophical texts. It doesn't matter if you drink enough water, eat enough food, and get enough sleep. Even when I moved out, it took months before it was fully gone. I myself was cleared up and feeling better than ever in 3 months of sobriety and regular exercise. But I quickly went to work on fixing it. I've been making great progress in terms of strength gains, adding 1-2 pounds to my compound lifts every week. Chronic sinusitis from allergies. This was the big one. 🙋‍♀️. I can’t remember exactly now but I think it was at least 3 months or more of brain fog. Probably two weeks before I seen any immediate relief. I used to drink a quarter gallon Lactaid every day, until one week where I didn’t. brain fog/fatigue three weeks after breast augmentation. Somethings that mitigated brain fog a lot for me was ensuring I get enough sleep, drinking lots of water, clean diet and exercise. It took another couple days to get the T cream scrip. It's been quite the whirlwind trying to figure out where this sudden pressure in my forehead is Best advice would be to try and see going without it completely. The brain fog / lack of concentration is real! I feel brain damaged right now. Symptoms. The only issues I’ve had after having (MRI, neurology, blood, urine, sleep study,) is that I have high liver enzymes and low in vitamin D. • 5 yr. Not a crazy amount, but if you're really focusing on eating well, you're probably not eating much sugar. Brain fog is part of depression/anxiety. It can help improve brain function and reduce cognitive impairment. I don't often get relief, and rarely any days in a row. I get so worried I will never be normal again. qm jd ku tf ia fe tk vs bj mz